Work package 4. Increasing staff capacity: training and specialisation

WP 4 Leader: Assoc. Prof. Teodor Denchev

This WP is focused on increasing the human capacity of the curators and the technical staff of the collections. The training is directed to both acquiring knowledge in long-term storage of biological specimens and increasing digital skills of the staff members. Specificities related to various groups should be taken into account: vascular plants, fungi, fossil plants, invertebrates, vertebrates, etc. Though the target of the project is to assure the long-term storage and digitisation of biological collections, the staff should obtain a wide genuine knowledge in the area and specific knowledge in the particular group to be processed and curated. By this reason, in the work plan of this WP we combine general training for all participants in the project (training courses) and a specific individual training depending on the group curated (short-term outgoing and ingoing visits). For the outgoing short-term specialisations for early career researchers, we are planning to use the opportunities provided by the COST Action MOBILISE. However, for our staff members, who are not eligible to apply for COST funding, we shall arrange their specialisation on the expenses of the present project. Incoming visits are envisaged for inviting experts to advise our staff on peculiar techniques and methods for long-term storage and/or digitisation.
  • Increasing the staff capacity for long-term storage of biodiversity collections
  • Increasing the staff capacity for digitisation of biological and mineralogical specimens
Description of work
Task 4.1. General training courses in digitisation of biological specimens
Task leaders: Teodor Denchev, Sirma Zidarova and Assoc. Prof. Tihomir Stefanov.
  • Training course 1: c. 40 participants (1 year).
  • 4.1.2. Training course 2: 20 participants (2 year).
Task 4.2. Round tables
Task-leaders: Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Simov and Assoc. Prof. Rayna Nacheva
  • 4.2.1. Round table “Long-term storage of biological specimens” – 40 participants.
  • 4.2.2. Round table “Digitisation of biological and mineralogical specimens” – 40 participants.
Task 4.3. Short-term specialisations
Task leader: Assoc. Prof. Teodor Denchev
Outgoing visits (up to 2 weeks) in advanced centres specialised in maintaining biodiversity collections (8 specialisations).

Task 4.4. Incoming visits
Task leader: Assoc. Prof. Teodor Denchev
Short-term (up to one week) incoming visits of leading international experts for exchange of experience and know-how (3 visits).

WP 4-related deliverables
  • D4.01-D4.04: Annual plans for staff training
  • D4.05-D4.08: Annual reports on staff training
  • D4.09: Final report on staff training
WP 4 Related milestones
  • M4.1: Training course 1
  • M4.2: Round table 1
  • M4.3: Round table 2
  • M4.4: Training course 2